When a piece of hydraulic equipment loses pressure or isn’t working properly, many people blame the gear pump. Because a worn-out gear pump, usually, needs to be replaced rather than repaired, replacement is often the first option people choose. Before choosing that option and replacing a perfectly good pump, try this one easy test first.

If your gear pump really is the culprit, it will get really hot, really fast. It will, probably, overheat in a matter of seconds. If you don’t have an infrared thermometer handy, there is a low-tech way to test for an overheating gear pump. Let the machine cool down completely, then restart it, placing your hand on the body of the pump. Raise the pressure and if the pump heats up in seconds, then the pump is, probably, the problem. If it doesn’t heat up within seconds, then you need to look at other possible problems besides the pump.